Thursday 5 July 2012

Back Pain

Never ever in my life do I remember having back pain. I'm only 18 years old for Pete's sake! I've had my fair share of ailments, don't get me wrong, but back pain was never one of them. Now I'm not talking "time of the month" back pain which is different again, and by no means laughable! However, what I am experiencing at the moment is not pleasant, not pleasant at all.

Back pain is one of those things that shows you how codependent all the elements of your body are. One twinge in your back can cripple you and prevent you from doing everyday tasks. Currently I am suffering with an unprecedented, unexplainable pain in my lower back and I can't put my finger on the cause.

I haven't done any heavy lifting, I don't recall twisting my back any one particular time, but after many a chat with Mother Dearest about my back problem over a cup of tea and a biccie or four, we have come to the conclusion it is the result of a number of things.

I am lucky enough to have secured a summer job in a well known retail establishment (oooh, sounds fancy... it's not.) My job is a mish mash of stocktaking, movement of stock around the floor, working on tills and pulling stock for sales and such. Some days I could be standing in the one spot for over an hour working on the tills, but by no means would you be idle. Leaning left and right, bending and twisting all combine to have given me this pain. Dangnabbit. 

We also reckon it is my backs way of telling me to calm down a bit, to take it slow and not to overexert myself. I went from being a full time student to working full time and it's bound to take its toll on my body, right? I'm considering taking up yoga, as I feel my back, and many other joints, would thank me for it!

Moral of the story, as any illness tells you, you don't know what you've got till it's gone (or injured). A friend of mine is a physio so I will be paying her a visit one of these days, ask her to undo a knot or two! All at mates rates of course ;) 

Keep the best side out, 
B x

Thursday 3 May 2012

A New Start

Where to begin? I'm new to this blogging world, but personally I think its fabulous to have an online space to write the ramblings happening in my head. I suppose an introduction is in order! I'm B, no that's not on my birth certificate, but it's what all my friends call me so it will do :) I live in Ireland, the land of rolling hills and lush grass, or so the movies like to depict ;) I love all things make up related, but unfortunately can't afford to splurge too much becaaaaaause: I am a college student. 

Ah, college. 

But yes, I'm creating this blog to have a space to ramble to whoever wants to read about the make up products I'm loving, the foods I've been eating, the happenings in my life and my college experience! Lots of stuff really, mostly so it doesn't clog up my brain!

That's it for my first post, short and sweet. Wonder will this become an addicting thing... I fear it might ;)

Slán go fóill,